Stats avec git
Posted by Jean-Michel Frouin on .Devant sortir des statistiques d'utilisation sur git, une recherche sur le net et un petit mémo ici !
git blame ficher | grep Auteur | wc -l
git shortlog master --numbered --summary
Un script bash authorship.sh:
#!/bin/sh declare -A map while read line; do if grep "^[a-zA-Z]" <<< "$line" > /dev/null; then current="$line" if [ -z "${map[$current]}" ]; then map[$current]=0 fi elif grep "^[0-9]" <<<"$line" >/dev/null; then for i in $(cut -f 1,2 <<< "$line"); do map[$current]=$((map[$current] + $i)) done fi done <<< "$(git log --numstat --pretty="%aN")" for i in "${!map[@]}"; do echo -e "$i:${map[$i]}" done | sort -nr -t ":" -k 2 | column -t -s ":"
Retourne des stats de la forme :
jmfrouin@xps:~/dev (master)$ ./authorship.sh
Auteur1 2106426
Auteur2 1432790
Auteur3 968647
Auteur4 112595
Auteur5 84290
Un script perl author.pl :
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; my $dir = shift; die "Please provide a directory name to check\n" unless $dir; chdir $dir or die "Failed to enter the specified directory '$dir': $!\n"; if ( ! open(GIT_LS,'-|','git ls-files') ) { die "Failed to process 'git ls-files': $!\n"; } my %stats; while (my $file =) { chomp $file; if ( ! open(GIT_LOG,'-|',"git log --numstat $file") ) { die "Failed to process 'git log --numstat $file': $!\n"; } my $author; while (my $log_line = ) { if ( $log_line =~ m{^Author:\s*([^<]*?)\s*<([^>]*)>} ) { $author = lc($1); } elsif ( $log_line =~ m{^(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)} ) { my $added = $1; my $removed = $2; my $file = $3; $stats{total}{by_author}{$author}{added} += $added; $stats{total}{by_author}{$author}{removed} += $removed; $stats{total}{by_author}{total}{added} += $added; $stats{total}{by_author}{total}{removed} += $removed; $stats{total}{by_file}{$file}{$author}{added} += $added; $stats{total}{by_file}{$file}{$author}{removed} += $removed; $stats{total}{by_file}{$file}{total}{added} += $added; $stats{total}{by_file}{$file}{total}{removed} += $removed; } } close GIT_LOG; if ( ! open(GIT_BLAME,'-|',"git blame -w $file") ) { die "Failed to process 'git blame -w $file': $!\n"; } while (my $log_line = ) { if ( $log_line =~ m{\((.*?)\s+\d{4}} ) { my $author = $1; $stats{final}{by_author}{$author} ++; $stats{final}{by_file}{$file}{$author}++; $stats{final}{by_author}{total} ++; $stats{final}{by_file}{$file}{total} ++; $stats{final}{by_file}{$file}{total} ++; } } close GIT_BLAME; } close GIT_LS; print "Total lines committed by author by file\n"; printf "%25s %25s %8s %8s %9s\n",'file','author','added','removed','pct add'; foreach my $file (sort keys %{$stats{total}{by_file}}) { printf "%25s %4.0f%%\n",$file ,100*$stats{total}{by_file}{$file}{total}{added}/$stats{total}{by_author}{total}{added}; foreach my $author (sort keys %{$stats{total}{by_file}{$file}}) { next if $author eq 'total'; printf "%25s %25s %8d %8d %8.0f%%\n",'', $author,@{$stats{total}{by_file}{$file}{$author}}{qw{added removed}} ,100*$stats{total}{by_file}{$file}{$author}{added}/$stats{total}{by_file}{$file}{total}{added}; } } print "\n"; print "Total lines in the final project by author by file\n"; printf "%25s %25s %8s %9s %9s\n",'file','author','final','percent', '% of all'; foreach my $file (sort keys %{$stats{final}{by_file}}) { printf "%25s %4.0f%%\n",$file ,100*$stats{final}{by_file}{$file}{total}/$stats{final}{by_author}{total}; foreach my $author (sort keys %{$stats{final}{by_file}{$file}}) { next if $author eq 'total'; printf "%25s %25s %8d %8.0f%% %8.0f%%\n",'', $author,$stats{final}{by_file}{$file}{$author} ,100*$stats{final}{by_file}{$file}{$author}/$stats{final}{by_file}{$file}{total} ,100*$stats{final}{by_file}{$file}{$author}/$stats{final}{by_author}{total} ; } } print "\n"; print "Total lines committed by author\n"; printf "%25s %8s %8s %9s\n",'author','added','removed','pct add'; foreach my $author (sort keys %{$stats{total}{by_author}}) { next if $author eq 'total'; printf "%25s %8d %8d %8.0f%%\n",$author,@{$stats{total}{by_author}{$author}}{qw{added removed}} ,100*$stats{total}{by_author}{$author}{added}/$stats{total}{by_author}{total}{added}; }; print "\n"; print "Total lines in the final project by author\n"; printf "%25s %8s %9s\n",'author','final','percent'; foreach my $author (sort keys %{$stats{final}{by_author}}) { printf "%25s %8d %8.0f%%\n",$author,$stats{final}{by_author}{$author} ,100*$stats{final}{by_author}{$author}/$stats{final}{by_author}{total}; } Retourne des résultats de la forme :
Références :
Récapitulatif de plusieurs méthodes